Background Color

Setting the background color for an element using CSS.

Background Image

Adding an image as the background for an element using CSS.


Defining a visible boundary around an element using CSS.

Border Image

Customizing the border of an element with an image using CSS.

Border Radius

Creating rounded corners for an element using CSS.

Box Resize

Allowing or restricting the resizing of an element using CSS.

Box Shadow

Adding a shadow effect to an element using CSS.


Adjusting the transparency of an element, making it partially see-through, using CSS.


Adding a visible line around an element, typically used for highlighting, with CSS.


Controlling how content that overflows the boundaries of an element is displayed, using CSS.

Text Color

Specifying the color of the text within an element using CSS.


Creating a visual effect that softens or blurs the appearance of an element or its content using CSS.


Adjusting the level of brightness or luminance of an element, often used to make it appear darker or lighter, using CSS.


Modifying the difference in brightness between an element and its background, enhancing or reducing it with CSS.

Drop Shadow

Adding a shadow effect to an element, creating a sense of depth and separation from its background, using CSS.


Transforming an element or its content to shades of gray, removing color using CSS.

Hue Rotate

Changing the hue or color of an element by rotating its color spectrum using CSS.


Reversing the colors of an element or its content, creating a negative image effect using CSS.


Increasing or decreasing the intensity of colors within an element or its content using CSS.


Applying a brownish, vintage tone to an element or its content, often used for an old-fashioned look, using CSS.


Dividing text content into multiple vertical columns, creating a newspaper-like layout using CSS.


Specifying how an HTML element should be rendered on a webpage, such as block, inline, flex, grid, etc., using CSS.


Controlling whether an element is visible or hidden on a webpage using CSS.

List Style

Customizing the appearance of list items, including bullets or numbers, using CSS.


Changing the mouse pointer's appearance when it hovers over an element, enhancing user interaction using CSS.

Font Size

Adjusting the size of text within an element using CSS to improve readability and aesthetics.

Letter Spacing

Changing the amount of space between individual characters within text, enhancing legibility and design using CSS.

Overflow Wrap

Specifying how text should behave when it overflows its container by breaking and wrapping onto the next line, improving text layout and readability using CSS.

Tab Size

Setting the width of a tab character within text, controlling the indentation and alignment of content using CSS.

Text Align

Determining the horizontal alignment of text within an element, such as left, center, right, or justify, using CSS.

Text Decoration

Adding visual enhancements to text within an element, such as underlining, overlining, or striking through, using CSS.

Text Indent

Setting the amount of space or distance an element's text is indented from its left or right edge using CSS.

Text Shadow

Applying a shadow effect to the text within an element using CSS to create a visually distinct and dimensional appearance.

Text Transform

Changing the capitalization of text within an element, such as making it uppercase, lowercase, or capitalizing the first letter of each word, using CSS.

White Space

Controlling how spaces and line breaks within text content are handled, affecting the layout and formatting using CSS.

Word Break

Defining how words should break or wrap when they exceed the width of their container, influencing text layout and readability using CSS.

Word Spacing

Adjusting the space between individual words within text content, improving readability and design using CSS.


Creating a sense of depth and three-dimensionality for 3D-transformed elements using CSS.


Changing the angle or orientation of an element, often used for visual effects and transformations using CSS.


Distorting the shape of an element by slanting it along the horizontal or vertical axis, creating a tilted or skewed appearance using CSS.


Moving an element horizontally or vertically within its containing element, allowing for position adjustments using CSS.

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