Input Button
A clickable form element that allows users to submit data or trigger an action on a webpage, commonly used in HTML forms.
Input Checkbox & Radio
Form elements that allow users to select options or make choices. Checkboxes permit multiple selections, while radio buttons permit only a single selection within a group of options in HTML forms.
Input Color
A form input element that allows users to select a color using a color picker dialog in HTML forms.
Input Date & Time
A form input element that enables users to select both a date and a time, typically using a combination of date and time pickers in HTML forms.
Input Email
A form input element designed for users to enter an email address. It often includes validation to ensure that the input follows a valid email format in HTML forms.
Input File
A form input element that allows users to upload files from their local device, typically used for uploading documents, images, or other file types in HTML forms.
Input Image
HTML input type for selecting and submitting images.
Input Number
A form input element that enables users to input numerical values, often with up and down arrows for incrementing or decrementing the value, in HTML forms.
Input Password
A form input element designed for users to input sensitive information, such as passwords. The entered text is usually masked with asterisks or dots to protect security in HTML forms.
Input Range
A form input element that allows users to select a numeric value within a specified range by moving a slider control left or right in HTML forms.
Input Search
A form input element specialized for searching functionality. It typically includes a search icon and may have specific styling in HTML forms.
Input Submit
A form input element that represents a button used to submit the form's data when clicked by the user in HTML forms.
Input Telephone
A form input element designed for users to input telephone numbers. It often includes validation to ensure that the input follows a valid telephone number format in HTML forms.
Input Text
A basic form input element that allows users to input text or alphanumeric characters, commonly used for various types of textual input in HTML forms.
Input URL
A form input element designed for users to input website URLs or web addresses. It often includes validation to ensure that the input follows a valid URL format in HTML forms.
Web component for audio playback.
Graphic representation or visual content displayed on a webpage.
Embeds and plays videos on websites.
Bi-directional Override
HTML element for bidirectional text override. It changes text direction, useful for mixed writing systems.
HTML element to display text in bold or strong emphasis.
HTML element to denote a block of quoted text from another source.
HTML element for indicating the title of a creative work, such as a book, article, or movie, typically used within a citation.
HTML element for displaying a short snippet of code or computer program within text, maintaining its formatting.
HTML element used to create hyperlinks, allowing users to navigate to other web pages or resources by clicking on the linked text or image.
HTML element used to apply italic styling to text for emphasis or differentiation.
HTML element for highlighting or marking specific text within a document to draw attention to it. Typically rendered with a yellow background.
HTML elements used to apply a strikethrough style to text, indicating that it should be considered deleted or no longer valid.
HTML element for displaying text or characters as subscript, typically used for mathematical or chemical formulas and footnotes.
HTML element for displaying text or characters as superscript, often used for mathematical exponents or citations.
HTML element that provides a multi-line text input field within a form, allowing users to enter and edit longer text content.
HTML element used to underline text, although it's less commonly used in modern web design due to potential confusion with hyperlinks.
HTML element for enclosing short, inline quotations, automatically adding quotation marks to the text, and indicating that it's a quote.
HTML element used to create a disclosure widget that can hide or reveal additional content when clicked, typically used to provide supplementary information or options.
HTML element introduced for creating modal dialog boxes, which are typically used for interactive pop-up messages, forms, or other UI components that require user interaction and temporarily take the focus away from the main page.
HTML element used to represent a measurement or gauge within a defined range, often used to display visual feedback on the progress, quantity, or status of a value, such as ratings or battery levels.
HTML element used to represent the progress of a task or process, typically displayed as a bar that fills up gradually to indicate completion or status.
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