In CSS, the box-shadow property is used to create shadow effects for HTML elements. This property allows you to add a shadow to the box (element) on which it's applied, creating depth and separation from the background. The box-shadow property can create a variety of shadow effects by specifying parameters like the shadow's position, size, color, and blur radius.
Here is the basic syntax for the box-shadow property:
box-shadow: h-shadow v-shadow blur spread color;
Here's an example of how to use the box-shadow property to create a simple shadow effect for a box:
.shadow-element {
box-shadow: 10px 10px 5px 0px #888888;
In this example:
You can customize the box-shadow property to create a variety of shadow effects, including inset shadows, multiple shadows, and more complex visual effects. It's a versatile property for adding depth and dimension to elements on your web page.
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