CSS Columns Generator BETA


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CSS Columns Generator

In CSS, the columns property is used to specify the number of columns an element should be divided into for layout purposes, particularly when you want to create multi-column text layouts. It allows you to create newspaper-style or magazine-style column layouts for text content.

Here's an example of how to use the columns property:

.my-element { columns: 2; } .another-element { columns: 3; column-gap: 20px; }

In this example:

  • The '.my-element' class creates a two-column layout for the content it applies to.
  • The '.another-element' class creates a three-column layout with a specified gap of 20 pixels between columns.

You can adjust the number of columns, column widths, and other column-related properties as needed to achieve the desired layout for your text content. The columns property is particularly useful for creating responsive layouts where the number of columns can adjust based on the available space, making it easier to handle text in various screen sizes.

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