CSS Display Generator BETA


Display Type



Box 1

Box 2

Box 3


CSS Display Generator

In CSS, the display property is used to control how an HTML element is rendered in the web browser. It specifies the type of box used for an HTML element, which in turn affects how the element is positioned, sized, and behaves in the document flow. The display property accepts various values, each of which defines a different rendering behavior. Some common values for the display property include:

  • block: This value makes the element a block-level element. Block-level elements typically start on a new line and expand to fill the available horizontal space. Examples of block-level elements include <‌div‌>, <‌p‌>, and <‌h1‌>
  • inline: This value makes the element an inline-level element. Inline-level elements do not start on a new line and only take up as much width as necessary. Examples of inline-level elements include <‌span‌>, <‌a‌>, and <‌strong‌>.
  • inline-block: This value combines the characteristics of both block-level and inline-level elements. It allows the element to flow inline with other content while still being able to set a width and height and receive margins and padding.
  • none: This value hides the element from the rendering entirely, making it invisible and taking up no space in the document flow. It's often used to dynamically hide or show elements using JavaScript.
  • flex: This value turns the element into a flex container, allowing you to use the flexbox layout model for its children.
  • grid: This value turns the element into a grid container, allowing you to use the CSS Grid Layout for its children.

Here's an example of how to use the display property:

.block-element { display: block; } .inline-element { display: inline; } .inline-block-element { display: inline-block; } .hidden-element { display: none; }

The display property is a fundamental CSS property that plays a crucial role in controlling the layout and rendering of HTML elements on a web page. Choosing the appropriate display value for an element can significantly affect its appearance and behavior.

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