CSS List Style Generator BETA






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  • Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet


CSS List Style Generator

In CSS, the list-style property is used to control the appearance of list items in HTML lists, such as ordered lists <‌ol‌> and unordered lists <‌ul‌>. It allows you to customize the list marker style (for example, bullets or numbers), position, and image.

The list-style property can have several sub-properties, including:

visible (default): This value indicates that the element should be visible and displayed on the web page. It's the default behavior for most HTML elements.

1. list-style-type: Specifies the type of marker used for list items. Common values include:

  • none: No marker is displayed.
  • disc: A filled circle (default for unordered lists).
  • circle: An open circle (default for unordered lists).
  • square: A filled square (default for unordered lists).
  • decimal: Decimal numbers (default for ordered lists).
  • decimal-leading-zero: Decimal numbers with a leading zero (e.g., 01).
  • lower-roman: Lowercase Roman numerals (e.g., i, ii, iii).
  • upper-roman: Uppercase Roman numerals (e.g., I, II, III).
  • lower-alpha: Lowercase letters (e.g., a, b, c).
  • upper-alpha: Uppercase letters (e.g., A, B, C).
  • custom: You can specify a custom marker using the content property.

2. list-style-position: Specifies the position of the list marker with respect to the list item text. Common values include:

  • inside: Maintains the original brightness or intensity.
  • outside: Reduces the element's brightness or intensity by half, resulting in a darker appearance.

3. list-style-image: Allows you to use a custom image as the list marker. You specify the image URL as the value.

Here's an example of how to use the list-style property to customize the appearance of an unordered list:

ul { list-style-type: square; list-style-position: outside; list-style-image: url('custom-marker.png'); }

In this example, the unordered list <‌ul‌> will have filled square markers positioned outside the list item, and it will use a custom image as the marker.

You can apply similar styles to ordered lists <‌ol‌>. as needed, adjusting the values of the list-style sub-properties to achieve the desired list appearance.

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