CSS Outline Generator BETA


Border Type








CSS Outline Generator

In CSS, the outline property is used to add an outline around an HTML element. An outline is similar to a border but is typically non-rectangular and is used for highlighting elements, such as links or form fields when they receive focus.

The outline property has three main components:

  • outline-width: Specifies the width of the outline. You can use values like thin, medium, thick, or specific length values (e.g., 2px).
  • outline-style: Defines the style of the outline. Common styles include dotted, dashed, solid, double, and none.
  • outline-color: Specifies the color of the outline. You can use color names, hexadecimal codes, or RGB values to define the color.

Here's an example of how you can use the outline property to create an outline for an HTML element:

.outline-element { outline: 2px dashed #008000; }

In this example:

  • The outline-width: class adds an outline to the element.
  • outline: 2px dashed #008000; specifies a 2-pixel wide, dashed green outline.

Outlines are commonly used to highlight interactive elements like links, buttons, and form fields when they receive focus, making it easier for users to navigate a web page using a keyboard or assistive technologies.

It's worth noting that the outline property is different from the border property. Outlines don't affect the layout of the elements, and they don't take up space like borders do. Additionally, you can remove outlines on focused elements using the :focus or :active pseudo-classes to improve the appearance and accessibility of your website.

In this case:

The opacity property is commonly used for creating hover effects, fading animations, or adjusting the visibility of elements based on user interactions. It's a useful tool for controlling element transparency and adding depth to your website's design.

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