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overflow: auto;
The overflow property in CSS is used to control how content that overflows the boundaries of an element is displayed. It is commonly used to manage overflow in containers such as divs and other block-level elements.
The overflow property can have several values, including:
visible (default): Content that overflows the container is displayed outside its boundaries. This is the default behavior.
.container {
overflow: visible;
hidden: Content that overflows the container is clipped and not visible.
.container {
overflow: hidden;
scroll: Scrollbars are displayed to allow users to scroll and view the content that overflows the container.
.container {
overflow: scroll;
auto: Scrollbars are displayed only when content overflows the container. If content fits within the container, no scrollbars are shown.
.container {
overflow: auto;
These values can be applied to both the horizontal (overflow-x) and vertical (overflow-y) axes to control scrolling behavior separately in each direction.
The overflow property is useful for handling content that may not fit within a fixed-size container, and it helps control how the overflow is presented or hidden to users.
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