CSS Text Indent Generator BETA





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CSS Text Indent Generator

In CSS, the text-indent property is used to control the indentation of the first line of text within a block-level element. It allows you to specify the distance by which the first line of text is indented from the left margin or, in some cases, the right margin.

The basic syntax for using the text-indent property is as follows:

.text-indent-element { text-indent: 20px; }

In this example:

  • The .text-indent-element class sets the text indent for the first line of text to 20 pixels. You can use other length units such as ems or percentages as well.

You can also use negative values to create hanging indents, where the first line is indented to the left of the rest of the text. For example:

.hanging-indent-element { text-indent: -20px; }

The text-indent property is commonly used for formatting paragraphs, quotes, or other block-level text elements to make the text more visually appealing or improve readability by setting appropriate indentation for the first line.

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