CSS Translate Generator BETA


Value X

Value Y



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CSS Translate Generator

In CSS, the translate transformation is used to move or shift an HTML element from its original position, both in 2D and 3D space. The translate transformation is often used as part of the transform property to create animations, reposition elements, or apply other dynamic effects.

Here's how to use the translate transformation within the transform property:

2D Translation:

To translate an element in 2D space, you use the translate function. It takes one or two length values as arguments to specify the horizontal and vertical translations.

.translate-element { transform: translate(20px, 30px); }

In this example, the .translate-element class moves the element 20 pixels to the right and 30 pixels down from its original position.

3D Translation:

For 3D translations, you can use translate3d or translateX, translateY, and translateZ functions to translate an element in 3D space.

.translate-3d-element { transform: translate3d(50px, 0, 100px); }

In this case, the .translate-3d-element class translates the element 50 pixels on the X-axis and 100 pixels on the Z-axis in 3D space, while keeping the Y-axis translation at 0.

The translate transformation is a powerful tool for creating dynamic effects and animations, allowing you to move elements smoothly on the web page. You can use it in combination with other transformations, such as rotation and scaling, to achieve complex visual effects.

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