CSS Word Spacing GeneratorBETA





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CSS Word Spacing Generator

In CSS, the word-spaciong property is used to control the amount of space added between words in text content within an HTML element. This property allows you to adjust the space between individual words to achieve desired typographic effects or improve the readability and appearance of text.

The word-spacing property accepts a length value or the keyword normal. Here's the basic syntax:

.text-element { word-spacing: 4px; /* You can use pixels, ems, percentages, or other length units */ }

In this example:

  • The .text-element class sets the word spacing for the text within the element to 4 pixels. You can use other length units, such as ems or percentages, as well.

You can also set the word-spacing property to normal to use the default spacing, which is typically determined by the browser's default rendering:

.default-word-spacing { word-spacing: normal; }

The word-spacing property is useful for fine-tuning the spacing between words, especially in cases where you want to improve the appearance of justified text or adjust the layout for specific typographic requirements.

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